Some Men in London
Reading List
When assembling material for my two-volume anthology Some Men in London, which describes queer life in the capital between 1945 and 1967, I drew upon a large number of books, as well as unpublished letters, diaries and other documents. Here are my suggestions for books that I either found essential or so intriguing or enjoyable that I want to recommend them to other readers. I have included both fiction and non-fiction, and while some of these books will be familiar, others were certainly new to me, and I was very pleased to have come across them during my researches. Like my book, they provide a wide variety of viewpoints, some of which now seem reprehensible and offensive. They are, however, all part of our history, a history that we should remember and learn from.
- Peter Parker
discusses homosexuality more generally, with references to real criminal cases in which judges are named and criticised. This extraordinary kaleidoscope of queer life in London in the 1950s richly deserves rediscovery.