The Audre Lorde Compendium : Essays, Speeches and Journals by Audre Lorde
The Audre Lorde Compendium : Cancer Journals, Sister Outsider, A Burst of Light by
Audre Lorde, introduced by Alice Walker
Pandora [HarperCollins] UK First Impression Edition from 1996
This volume contains three works by the famous US black, lesbian poet and academic, Audre Lorde. Both "The Cancer Journals" and "A Burst of Light" give an insight over a ten year period of her life with cancer. "Sister Outsider" continues her writing and documents her essays and speeches.
When Audre Lorde died in 1992 the world mourned the passing of one of the giants of the feminist movements. Dedicated to activism through communication, she was described by Adrienne Rich as 'the Amazon warrior who also knows how to tell the tale of battle.'
Lorde was born in New York in 1934; her mother was from Carriacou/Grenada, her father from Barbados. She graduated from Columbia University and Hunter college, where she later held the Thomas Hunter chair of Literature. in designating her New York Poet Laureate in 1991, Mayor Mario Cuomo described Lorde as the 'eloquent outsider who speaks in a language that can touch people everywhere'. Her eight collections of poetry and five volumes of prose, including the classic 'Zami: A new spelling of my name', touched generations of women and men, black and white, gay and straight, who dreamed of a better world. In 1980 Lorde was diagnosed as having cancer of the breast, and in the ensuing years thousands upon thousands of women found Lorde's words of 'love and wisdom and courage' in the face of the disease an immeasurable support.
This compendium collects together for the first time the essays, speeches and journals first published in 'Sister Outsider', 'The Cancer Journals' and 'A Burst of Light'. Including such classics as 'Uses of the erotic', 'The master's tools will never dismantle the master's house', and 'A Burst of Light: Living with Cancer', this collection shows the passion, humanity and towering courage of a woman always 'at the cutting edge of consciousness.'
"Audre Lorde's word of love and wisdom and courage give me strength." - Alice Walker
Condition: Good
Publisher: Pandora
Year: 1996
ISBN: 0044409559
Page Count: 336
Binding: Paperback
Condition: Good